Microsoft Word - Definite Kraseung - page 24

Cinema 4D, a 3D program that works with after effect, and Autodesk Maya, an advanced 3D
animation programs; are considered motion graphic. A short 3D animation made entirely in
Maya is considered by onlinemotion graphic community as motion graphic, not by definition
of having any moving graphic elements, but for being made with a familiar program. In
addition, any short filmwith even a tiny hint of visual digital effect are embraced by motion
graphic community asmotion graphic, due to the fact that visual effects are often done using
a similar software.
A typical Motion Graphic design process is very similar to the way live action film and
animated films are produced. The process is divided into three parts: pre-production,
production, and post production. The graphical elements are usually added in post-
production part of the process. Some motion graphic can arguably consist of only the post
productions since everything can be done digitally and some motion graphic work can be
completed by only one person. However, more often than not, most motion graphic work
still requires pre-visualization (which would be considered pre-production) and acquisition of
raw footage (whichwould be considered production). Professional motion graphic works seen
as a feature film opening title sequence and TV commercials are rarely ever solo projects.
2.8Motion Infographic: Infographic inMotion
When infographic are put into motion, they are called motion infographic. They can mostly
be found in online video streaming sites such as YouTube and Vimeo. Like motion graphic,
motion infographics are rarely longer than 10 minutes with the exception of “The Story of
Stuff”, and very few which are shorter than 3 minutes. Most motion infographics are
designed for an educational purpose which is whymotion infographics are free to be viewed.
When infographics become animated, the speed of the motion and the audio become new
factors that will influence how the viewers received the communication of complex
problems being communicated, how they view credibility, and how they can understand the
information. The existing elements, such as the symbols, the colors, the shapes, timeline,
and map also change when put into motion. The ability for the viewers to watch and re-
watch amotion infographicmovie at any time enhance learning ability, but if viewers are not
interested, they can also turn it off at any time, unlike the print infographic where all the
information are presentedmore or less at once.
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