st116 - page 4

Research title
The History and Culture of Hok Chiu Chinese in the South of
Thailand: A Case Study in Nabon District
Nakhon si Thammarat Province
Piyachat Suongtee, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University
Sireethorn Thawornwongsa, Songkhla Rajabhat University
Research Funding
the Office of National Culture Commission,
Ministry of Culture
The study of history and cultures of Hok Chiu people in the South of
Thailand: A case study of Hok Chiu community, Nabon district, Nakhhon si
Thammarat province aims to examine the migration and settlement of Hok Chiu
people in the South of Thailand, including the cultures.
The outcome shows that Hok Chiu community in Nabon district, Nakhon si
Thammarat province has settled down in this area for around 83 years. Their
migration route started from China to Sitiawan, Perak, in Malaysia around 1901 to
work as a worker in an agricultural field. Later, they moved to Thailand in 1930 to
occupy the rubber fields in Nabon district. The Hok Chiu community was related to
the rubber agriculture. They built a connection with other close-by Chinese
communities through marriage. They also formed a Chung San association to help
each other, and built the schools. However, they had to face a change in Thai
government policies relating to Chinese people after the National Reform in 1932,
especially the Nationalist policy during World War II under Marshel Por
Piboonsongkram period.
The Hok Chiu community in Nabon district has many cultures and traditions
similar to other Chinese groups in Thailand. However, there are a few differences
such as making offerings using a whole roasted young pig in a funeral and the local
festivals. The cultures, relating to foods, is outstanding. They have many kinds of
foods that are different from other Chinese community, Kong pia for example.
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