st124 - page 5

Dissertation :
TheDynamics of Interactions andEthnicMaintenance of Lanta Islanders
inKrabi Province.
Student’s Name :
AdvisoryCommittee :
Dr. NarumonArunotai
Degree andProgram :
Doctor of Philosophy inCultural Studies
AcademicYear :
The objective of the research was to study the dynamics of interactions and ethnic
maintenance of Lanta Islanders in the context of multi-ethnic communities, including Sea-gypsies,
Muslim Thai, Chinese Thai and Siamese Thai. The research investigated local history of Lanta
Island since the early settlement era until the tourism and tsunami era by using qualitative
research method and anthropological approach through participant observation and in-depth
interviews. Lanta became a shelter for various groups of people who fled from natural disasters
and from politics crisis. Lanta old documents recorded disorder and disruption from intermingling
of peoples. It became necessary to use the law in order to reach social agreement and order. This
may be a part of dialectics, that is, therewas conflict or confusionwhich gave rise tomovement
or change. Data about local history indicated special relationships that built harmony among Lanta
Islanders, namely economic cooperation, cross-cultural marriage, sharing the same midwives,
child adoption, creating social bonds between children, exchanging and occasionally sharing
food, clothes and other necessities, joining in each other’s traditional ceremonies, and integrating
cultural features. The sense of belonging to commonLanta identitywas also created by attending
the same school and sharing of local history. The policy to unite the nation and to create Thai
identity underPhibulsongkhram’s rule resulted in thedominationof “centralizedculture”over “local
cultures” and resulted in a more hierarchical society. At the same time, ethnic groups on Lanta
Island still maintain their own traditions. However, the coming of media culture in the tourism
era and the assistance frommany organizations and institutions after the tsunami disaster
gradually brought changes into Lanta Island. Although the project of “The Indigenous Livelihood
Restoration and Sustainable Ecology for Lanta Island” facilitated the strengthening of Lanta
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