Microsoft Word - Definite Kraseung - page 12

8 Practice-led Research
In order to understand the management of large volume of information within the design
process, the researcher will utilize his motion infographic design process in a practice-led
research. Practice-led research, as defined in “Brief Notes on Practice-led Research” by Jen
Webb (2008), is a new type of research that let the practitioner practices and produces design
work, and draw on concrete observation and measurement in a form of research finding based
on the resulted work. Therefore, the legitimacy of the researcher as a practitioner is vital to the
validation of the research. Up to this point, the practice-led research would have been weaker
without the proper research groundwork the researcher acquired from the review of existing
works (through case study research) and the perspective from design experts (through expert
interview research). The researcher will utilize themotion infographic design process in a project
for Greenpeace South East Asia.
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