Microsoft Word - Definite Kraseung - page 10

1.2.5 Scope of the Study
The scope of this research includes the design process of designing infographics, motion
graphics, and motion infographics. The process is based on stage-gate model for new product
development process; with each stage signifying each step of the project and the gate acts as a
checkpoint that prevents the project from proceeding to the next step until it reaches a certain
requirement. For motion infographic design process, the researcher will explore how the
researcher, as a designer, managed large volume of information and produced a motion
infographic work. This researchwill not focus on the step that enhance the attractiveness of the
design, as the researcher believes the attractiveness of motion infographics has little to do with
communicating complex problems. This research will not explore various visual effect and
motion graphic techniques, as there are many approaches to design, but rather focus on
identifying the steps a designer must take in order to design motion infographic that
communicate complex problems. Due to most motion infographics being made for social and
environmental problems by volunteers and nonprofit organization, the marketing analysis and
its impact on the design process will not be explored.
1.2.6 Thesis Structure
The structure of this research is in a form of methodological triangulation research. Triangulation
is the act of combining three researchmethods to study a single topic. Part of the researchmay
overlap and answer the same question, but these overlapped components can provide the
researcher a richer andmore accurate account, as it approaches the topic frommore than one
perspective (Kennedy 2009). This research combines three methods of case study, expert
interview, and practice-led research, which enable the researcher to triangulate qualitative data
and ensure the reliability of the study. Themethods are arranged in the order performed by the
researcher. The researcher will start out with the reviewing of existing motion infographic work
as case study research. This will address the study objective of understanding the theory and
history of motion infographic in order to lay the foundation for the other two researches. The
researcher will then interview design experts actively working in the field as professionals in
order to gain perspective in addition to the researcher’s own assumption. This will help the
researcher constructed the motion infographic design process. Lastly, the researcher will utilize
the newly formed design process as part of a practice-led research to experience the process
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