Microsoft Word - Definite Kraseung - page 9

This research attempted to understand motion infographic and the process this new
communication tool is constructed. From the researcher’s own understanding, motion
infographic is a combination of infographic, a branch of graphic design that aids the
understanding of complex problems in a print format, andmotion graphics, a type of animated
short films that feature moving graphic elements such as shapes and text popularly distributed
through social media. With the positive attribute of managing complex information of
infographics, and the ability to be distributed freely through social media of motion graphics,
motion infographics can have a positive impact on the way non-profit organizations
communicate to their audience.
1.2.2 Problem Statement
The lack of design process for motion infographic makes it harder, especially for stakeholders
lacking design experience, to understand themethod of designing this new communication tool
that has been increasingly utilized by organizations and even corporations in order to help
communicate complex problems to young people using social media.
1.2.3 ResearchQuestions
The researcher looked for answers to the following questions:
Q1: what is an average length of motion infographic projects?
Q2: What theories for infographics can be applied tomotion infographics?
Q3: What are the steps of motion infographic design process?
Q4: How does the process help designersmanage the available information and data in order to
aid the understanding of complex problems?
1.2.4 Objective of the Study
The objective of this research is to understand the process of designing motion infographics.
The researcher determined to understand the history and theories behind infographic that
communicate for and aid the understanding of complex problems. The researcher aimed to
construct a motion infographic design process and identify the unique steps in the process that
helps communicate complex problems.
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