Microsoft Word - Definite Kraseung - page 11

7 Case Study Research
The first research will be in a form of case study research. A case study research, as defined in
“Case Study Research: Design and Methods” (Yin 2004), is an investigation of certain theories or
research claims in a real-life context, when the theories and claims need extra support. While
there are many literatures on infographic and graphic design in general, texts that devote
entirely to motion infographic are very hard to find. The researcher felt that case study is best
fit in this scenario because he can analyze the already existing motion infographics in order to
confirm certain hypotheses or help form new ones that will aid him in creating motion
infographic design process. The infographic works selected were those that were often referred
in literature and made significant impact, such as Florence Nightingale’s "Diagram of the causes
of mortality in the army in the East". As for existing motion infographic works, they were
selected based on the popularity and on the impact it had inmotion graphic community, which
shared the same field as of motion infographic. While there are older motion infographics out
here, several of themotion infographics being reviewed were surfaced at the beginning of 2008.
It was during this time when the popularity of online video streaming site such as YouTube
helped establish a free distribution channel for modern daymotion infographics. Expert Interview
While the researcher lays ground for study using his own understanding of design, he cannot
construct a motion infographic design process based solely on his own judgment, the review of
the literatures, and the analysis of the existing works. The researcher felt that interview with
three design experts who are active practitioners within a private sector can help support any
hypothesis he might have. The local professional designers were selected instead of
recognizable big-name designers with the best resources and extensive experience because the
researcher wanted to interview designers whose experience will most likely resonate with
younger generation of designer and design student currently in the field. The profile of the
experts will be described in chapter 3 and chapter 4.
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