nt140 - page 4

TheLocalCommunityEducation toDevelopment. Acasestudy "CommunityDistrict in
ThambonNaiMueang PhetchabunProvince“
AssociateProfessor Komkai Mhuensai andTeam
Municipality (Nakornban) PhetchabunProvincial Cultural Council
Research Objectives:
1. ToStudy thecontext historical andphysical community as temple is acenter
2. To study thecultural community inaspect of cultureand intellect folklorewhereas
outstandingpoint andmodernize for leaningorganizationdevelopment Cultural VillageCultural
Market fair, For example.
(From theKingcelebrateMeetingExhibition resolutionon23
November 2010,
themusical cultureand folk showEvent was organized incooperationbetween theASEAN
international groupandRachapat PhetchabunUniversity, the less than80 year’s oldnakornban
areahabitatswere selectedas the research sampling)
Researchers found that thereare2ages of Phetchabun , Khmer andSukhothai
archaeological evidencesdeclareWat Prakeaw,Wat PraSighaandWat PraSuer incity, was
royal restrict area. whereas the outside, the temple ,Wat ChangPerge, hadbeenbuilt by the
early kingof Sukhothai period. Peoplehavebelieved that hededicated thisplace tohispass
awaydaughter andhismajesticelephant while theotherswereestablishedby folk. Definitely,
this landhasbeenplaced for living.
TheSecondera, Ayutthaya time, themodern townwasbuilt on the lineof theold
one, Sokhothai period. Citywall was respectivelydiminished. Folks andGovernor was
cohabiting. Evident exhibits thatWat Tri Pom ismajor temple.
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